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Tablets for Guided Discovery

Video Overview

A Senior Infant teacher describes using tablets for guided discovery in a Maths lesson with Senior Infants. The pupils work in groups to explore the strand unit ‘Data’. They use the ‘Explain Everything‘ app to record their thinking and play ‘Find the Right Place’ to develop mathematical language.


A Senior Infant class uses iPads to learn Data in Maths. Class is split into groups. Pupils sort everyday objects through guided discovery and record their findings on the Explain Everything app. Pupils take photos and record their voices explaining how they sorted their objects. Another group completed the same activity with Explain everything using Mass Manipulatives. Teacher explains how children are familiar with the tablets and are therefore more engaged with the lesson. Work can be differentiated using the app.

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Digital Learning Framework

This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):

Teaching & Learning (4. Teachers Collaborative Practice)

  • 1.3 Pupils use digital technologies in highly effective ways to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in accordance with the content objectives, learning outcomes, skills and concepts of the Primary School Curriculum.

Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.

Teaching & Learning, Primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Collaboration, Computational Thinking, Online Resources

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