Well-Being Online: Exploring Digital Citizenship with 1st Class
Video Overview
Anna Hurley, St. Mary’s Central School Cork, talks about the importance of teaching well-being online to her 1st class students and how she used activities from Webwise HTML Heroes as part of her class including class discussions about being online, Archie’s story, quizzes, and a moving debate.
A teacher explores the topic of digital wellbeing using the Webwise HTML Heroes programme. The class explores how to interact safely online through the use of the activities provided, active discussion, a HTML heroes story, walking debate and a Kahoot quiz. The Webwise Parents Hub is mentioned as a great place to direct parents to for advice about information on staying safe online.
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Digital Learning Framework
This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):
Teaching & Learning (1. Learner Outcomes)
- 1.1 Pupils use appropriate digital technologies to foster active, creative and critical engagement in attaining challenging learning outcomes.
Teaching & Learning (2. Learner Experiences)
- 2.2 Pupils grow as learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive.
Digital interactions, among pupils and between pupils and teachers, are respectful and positive, and conducive to well-being.
Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.