New online courses service
7th June 2022

As part of our new online courses service for 2022/2023, all PDST Technology in Education term-time online courses are available 24/7 throughout the school year, from late August 2022 until the end of term 3. This includes the mid-term break and mid-year holiday periods.
This extended course availability better enables easy access to the courses at a time that suits you. It also gives you the flexibility to work the course content into any other professional learning being undertaken, either by you personally or as part of a whole school programme.
This new online courses service with its year-round access to courses also facilitates advance planning by school leaders. Have you considered working the courses into your arrangements for ‘Croke Park hours’ for instance? All courses are free of charge and are certified, enabling teachers to easily account for their course completion.
A new course on Cyberbullying is available in 2022/23. Current popular courses on Digital Learning Planning and Assessment Feedback also remain available.
The current full list of courses, and details on each one, is available at the online courses section of our website. Enrolment and immediate course access is available. (If you need to get a Scoilnet account first, you can register for one here.)