Part of the Oide Technology in Education, Webwise is the Irish Internet Safety Awareness Centre which is co-funded by the Department of Education and is co-financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility.
Webwise promotes the autonomous, effective, and safer use of the internet by young people through a sustained information and awareness strategy targeting parents, teachers, and children themselves with consistent and relevant messages. Webwise develop and disseminate resources that help teachers integrate internet safety into teaching and learning in their schools.
Online Safety Resources and Supports from Webwise

Webwise provides a range of free primary and post-primary school teaching resources addressing a range of topics including cyberbullying, image-sharing, social media and more. Check out our curriculum-aligned resources and videos.
Acceptable Use Policy

Creating an AUP is vital for your school. The team at Webwise have developed an Acceptable Use Policy Generator which is free for all schools to use. Our easy to use tool allows you to customise an Acceptable Use Policy based on your school needs.
Get started here: https://forms.webwise.ie/.
Training and Support

Teachers can access advice and support including online courses and webinars exploring a series of online safety topics via the Webwise Teachers Hub.
Webwise Parents Hub

The Webwise Parents Hub provides free information, advice, and tools to help parents support their children online. The hub includes expert videos, talking points, explainers guides and more.