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Digital Portfolios in St Aidan’s SNS

Video Overview

A school principal describes the school’s involvement in the Digital Portfolios Project, involving sustained support from Oide. The development of the DL Plan was integrated with the implementation plans for the Primary Language Curriculum which led to very positive outcomes for staff and pupils.


A principal describes the development of his schools Digital Learning Plan (DL), the Digital Portfolios Project & involvement of sustained support from Oide Professional Learning Leaders and CPD available. The development of the DL Plan and linkage with the schools plans for the Primary Language Curriculum has led to very positive outcomes for staff and pupils.

Courses that you might be interested in

Developing a Digital Learning Plan for your School – Short Version

Introducing Digital Portfolios (Post Primary)

Video tutorials

The following short tutorials will show you how to use apps featured in the video:

  • Navigating the DL Planning Website

Digital Learning Framework

This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):

Teaching & Learning (3. Teachers’ Individual Practice)

  • 3.1 The teacher has the requisite subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management skills.

Teachers use a range of digital technologies to design learning and assessment activities for their pupils.

Teachers design or adapt learning experiences that incorporate digital technologies and make learning activities relevant and meaningful to support pupils’ learning. When teachers use digital learning activities, they evaluate their effectiveness, and revise their teaching strategies accordingly.

Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.

Leadership & Management, Primary, Digital Portfolios

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