ICT and Wellbeing
Video Overview
Interview with staff about the use of ICT to support positive mental health among their students. They use ICT as a means of discussing these topics as the students are more engaged. They have introduced a TY module where they must design and create a video promoting positive mental health.
A TY group of students look at the use of ICT to promote wellbeing. The teachers acknowledge that students are using technology outside of school and aim to include their technology skills for an educational purpose in school. A whole school approach was taken to the teaching of wellbeing. Each class completed the lesson at the same time, with a high level of student input in the content and learning experience. Students used ‘Pinterest’ to source images and content that they wished to include in their piece. Students created the content on wellbeing from the technology skills they learned and shared their learning. The school are satisfied that the use of ICT to teach wellbeing reaches a higher audience and will help students who may be in a time of need.
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Digital Learning Framework
This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):
Teaching & Learning (2. Learner Experiences)
- 2.1 Pupils engage purposefully in meaningful learning activities
Pupils use digital technologies for sourcing, exchanging of information to develop understanding and support basic knowledge creation.
- 2.2 Pupils grow as learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive.
Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.