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Good Practice Videos

  • Using tablets to support active learning in Business Studies

    A Business teacher explains how they use ICT in their class. The lesson was focused on marketing and designing advertisements. The class used tablets and stop motion to create their own advertisements. The class then uploaded their work to Imagine Learning Systems for assessment.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Collaboration, Content Creation, Digital Video, Online Resources, Planning/Digital Learning Framework

  • Using ICT in Geography

    Interview with Teacher about the use of videos in his Geography lessons. He discusses how by making his own videos for his class, he can ensure that the content is relevant and suitable for the classes ability. He also discusses the use of Socrative for assessment and the benefits of immediate feedback.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Digital Video, Online Resources, Planning/Digital Learning Framework

  • Digital Technologies in a Geography lesson

    Interview with teacher about the integration of Minecraft into Graphics lessons. He discusses how he makes a link between 3D builds in Minecraft and 2D drawings on paper in his lessons. The students work as a team to complete the challenge and record their process using images and Keynote.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Collaboration, Content Creation, Digital Portfolios, Flipped Learning, Online Resources

  • EU Folio – An ePortfolio Workflow (English)

    Interview with Teacher about the use of ICT in English. She creates her own online resources using Puzzle. She explains how the use of this resources enhances teaching and learning. She discusses the use of Edmodo for assignments and homework. By using these resources it allows for formative assessment and instant personal feedback.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Content Creation, Flipped Learning, Online Resources

  • EU Folio – Managing ePortfolios and ICT in a school

    A Teacher discusses the management of e-portfolios in the school. They promote collaborative learning and allow for continuous assessment. Students can assist their peers by providing feedback on each other’s portfolios. He discusses the overcoming of issues to support ICT in schools.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Digital Portfolios, Online Resources

  • EU Folio – Using ICT tools for English Athy College

    English Teacher the use of ICT in English. Animoto is a video creator, used to create videos for poems. Padlet is used to collect information from the class. Students use Fakebook for character development. They discuss the benefits of e-portfolios for all students.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Content Creation, Digital Portfolios, Online Resources

  • EU Folio – A school’s experience (Athy Community College)

    Interview with Teachers about EU Folio and their schools experience. They discuss the importance of being familiar with the system before introducing it to a class. EPortfolios are used in the school as a means of continuous assessment to document the students progress.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Digital Portfolios, Online Resources

  • EU Folio – Using online tools for English Athlone Community College

    Interview with Teacher about the use of ICT in English. She how ICT allows for differentiation and caters for all types of learners. She highlights the importance of using ICT as a tool and not as the main focus of a lesson. She uses Animoto, Voki, Prezi and Fakebook.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Digital Portfolios, Online Resources, Planning/Digital Learning Framework

  • Using ICT to support active learning in Geography

    Interview with Teacher about the use of mobile phones and tablets in her Geography lessons. She uses a wide range of applications to support teaching and learning. She provides a wide range of differentiated resources for her students to access outside of class. The use of ICT caters to all types of learners.

    Teaching & Learning, Post-primary, Collaboration, Digital Video, Online Resources

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