Home Economics teacher explains how she integrates technology into her teaching and planning. She discusses Google Classroom and how it passes the responsibility of the learning onto the students. This allows for her to provide differentiated feedback to students. She promotes teachers supporting teachers through the use of online communities.
Interview with principal about the implementation of technology into their school and the support they provide for their staff. They promote constant CPD for all staff members, working together to learn from each other about digital technologies. A core group of dedicated staff members was created to assist in this implementation.
Interview with Deputy Principal discussing the importance of teachers learning from each other as a form of CPD in the school. The school has designated hours monthly for departments to discuss how they can improve the teaching and learning in their school through the use of digital learning.
Interview with Digital Technology coordinator about the implementation of technology into their schools. The teacher discusses about the benefits of creating a strong Digital strategy group to assist in whole school integration of technology. He found that having a strong AUP was important at the beginning of this process.
Interview with Principal on the journey his school went on with ICT. He discusses the process they followed to introduce tablets to all staff and students. He outlines the benefits of ICT to planning for staff and management and the use of committees to support one another.
A class teacher talks about the use of Scratch to support literacy and numeracy. She describes how using Scratch across the curriculum helps develop pupils' skills in many areas, including problem solving, and also how it supports assessment, in particular self and peer assessment.
A school principal explains how ICT integration works in his school. The school has a laptop trolley to share among classes, and an IWB in each classroom. The school uses Google Apps to share between teachers. ePortfolios also facilitate teacher and peer assessment.
Interview with Teachers about the use of Census at School to support teaching and learning in Maths. They discuss the benefits of integrating this international database tool into their lessons, particularly when focusing on probability and statistics. They show the large bank of resources available to teachers when teaching Project Maths.
Mark Boggins, Holy Family National School, outlines how to create learning paths using Scoilnet. A learning path is a collection of online resources that share a specific topic e.g. the Famine. The teacher compiles the learning path, which pupils can access at school or at home.
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