Cur síos ó mhúinteoir, Naomi Ní Chearbhaill, ar conas a chabhraíonn uirlis mar Google Jamboard le chomhoibriú idir dhaltaí nuair atá siad scartha óna chéile mar gheall ar Covid-19. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
Déanann príomhoide, Kevin Ó Raghallaigh cur síos ar an ról don theicneolaíocht le linn an tréimhse cinn-foghlama agus conas a chabhraíonn an teicneolaíocht le múineadh agus foghlam in san scoil i láthair na huaire chomh maith. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
Cur síos ar chonas a d-úsáid múinteoir, Ciara Ní Dhrisceoil Zoom le scoláirí, go háirithe Polls, Breakout Rooms agus an Whiteboard chun comhoibriú a éascú le linn an tréimhse cian-foghlama. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
Déanann múinteoir, Dáithí Ó Géanaí cur síos ar chonas a dhéanann scoláirí podchraoltaí ar thopaicí cosúil le tionchar Covid-19 ar chursaí eacnamaíochta. Úsáideann na scoláirí Garageband chun na podchraoltaí a thaifead agus a roinnt leis an rang. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
Interview with a school principal, describing how the school has adapted to Covid-19. The principal discusses the benefits and the use of a wide range of digital technologies and platforms to adapt to the current climate without compromising the learning both inside and out of the classroom for students and staff.
Interview with teacher about the integration of Minecraft into Graphics lessons. He discusses how he makes a link between 3D builds in Minecraft and 2D drawings on paper in his lessons. The students work as a team to complete the challenge and record their process using images and Keynote.
Maths Teacher explains how they created use a lightboard in their teaching. The students work in groups to design short videos revising chosen topics using a lightboard, camera and editing software. This project allows the students to develop key 21st Century skills while also revising mathematics.
Interview with Teacher about the use of technology in his Maths lessons. He discusses the focus on flipped learning and how it allows more one-on-one support during class. He explains his process when creating videos for his class using Explain Everything, YouTube and PicCollage.
Interview with Teacher about the use of ICT in Technical Graphics. He discusses how he uses a visualiser to record videos for his classes. The students can then watch the video in their own time at home. He explains how this allows more time for conferencing and differentiation.
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