AJ Doyle, St Mary's Academy CBS, talks about the Lockers Programme which covers the laws around sexting and non-consensual sharing. He describes how he covered the topics in class by watching the Webwise video Forever and discussing case studies in groups.
In this video from our Leading Digital Learning series, Niall Larkin, Senior Leader for Digital Technologies, and primary teachers discuss the use of online platforms in schools.
In this video from our Leading Digital Learning series, post primary teachers and Technology in Education team members discuss effective approaches for supporting professional learning for teachers and all school staff.
Elish Sheridan, Kingswood Community College, discusses how she incorporated Digital Citizenship into her classes and involved students through class discussions and creating Digital Citizenship passports and processes to safeguard technology.
In this video from our Leading Digital Learning series, primary teachers and Technology in Education team members discuss effective approaches for supporting professional learning for teachers and all school staff.
Anna Hurley, St. Mary's Central School Cork, talks about the importance of teaching well-being online to her 1st class students and how she used activities from Webwise HTML Heroes as part of her class including class discussions about being online, Archie's story, quizzes, and a moving debate.
Cur síos ó mhúinteoir, Naomi Ní Chearbhaill, ar conas a chabhraíonn uirlis mar Google Jamboard le chomhoibriú idir dhaltaí nuair atá siad scartha óna chéile mar gheall ar Covid-19. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
Déanann príomhoide, Kevin Ó Raghallaigh cur síos ar an ról don theicneolaíocht le linn an tréimhse cinn-foghlama agus conas a chabhraíonn an teicneolaíocht le múineadh agus foghlam in san scoil i láthair na huaire chomh maith. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
Cur síos ar chonas a d-úsáid múinteoir, Ciara Ní Dhrisceoil Zoom le scoláirí, go háirithe Polls, Breakout Rooms agus an Whiteboard chun comhoibriú a éascú le linn an tréimhse cian-foghlama. Select CC and English or Irish for subtitles.
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