A school Principal describes his school's embedding of digital technologies across the curriculum. The school makes use of the Digital Learning Framework, Looking at our School and the EU SELFIE tool to plan for digital learning. Pupils use a variety of devices and resources, including Chromebooks, iPads and Lego Wedo.
An infant teacher describes the importance of technology to assess play in an Aistear setting. iPads or smartphones can be used to record and assess what learning is taking place and what language the pupils are using.
A 6th class teacher describes how she uses digital assessment tools, in particular Kahoot and Mentimeter. In this video, the pupils have created a Kahoot quiz for their peers which is directly based on a presentation they have created and delivered to the class.
A Junior Infant teacher describes using tablets for literacy in Junior Infants. The pupils work at different stations, which include blending sounds, letter formation, tricky word practice, and dictation. The app being used for letter formation is Hairy Letters.
A Senior Infant teacher demonstrates how she uses tablets with her class. In this video the pupils use the Toontastic App to create their own story. They are engaged in sequencing, creativity and problem-solving. The teacher uses a staged approach when introducing ICT to the classroom.
A 1st and 2nd class teacher describes using various apps for teaching and assessment in a learning support setting. The teacher chose the Quiz app ‘Kahoot’ to assess pupils' learning. Pupils also record photos and videos using the Explain Everything app. They then create eBooks using Book Creator.
A 1st class teacher describes using tablets to support teaching and learning in maths.The class learn about Place Value through a mixture of hands-on activities and apps. The apps used in the video are Pieces Basic and Twinkl 100 Square.
A 5th class teacher describes how she has introduced the skill of coding in her classroom using the free app: Lightbot - Hour of Code. SESE lessons are enhanced through the use of the Lego WeDo software. This coding initiative is part of a wider project within the Schools Excellence Fund.
A 5th and 6th class teacher describes how her class created an engaging video using the Stop Motion app. Pupils worked in groups to design the sets, characters and pick appropriate sound effects and music. The project took a number of weeks and integrated many curricular subjects.
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