A school principal explains how ICT integration works in his school. The school has a laptop trolley to share among classes, and an IWB in each classroom. The school uses Google Apps to share between teachers. ePortfolios also facilitate teacher and peer assessment.
Mark Boggins, Holy Family National School, outlines how to create learning paths using Scoilnet. A learning path is a collection of online resources that share a specific topic e.g. the Famine. The teacher compiles the learning path, which pupils can access at school or at home.
A 5th and 6th class teacher describes integrating Scratch into a literacy lesson. In Scratch, the pupils create a quiz, a news report, a character description and a prediction based on the class novel. The video also demonstrates how Scratch can support self assessment and peer assessment.
A 6th class teacher outlines how she uses Google Classroom for Visual Arts. She explains how pupils create a digital rubric that is followed by pupils creating in Art. Photos of the pupils work is saved to Google Drive to form an ePortfolio.
Two teachers outline how they use tablets for assessment in Maths. Tablets enable the teachers to provide audio-visual feedback for pupils and to create targeted goals for individual children. All assessment is save to Google Drive as an ePortfolio.
A 2nd class teacher describes using tablets in a Maths lesson. Pupils learn about the topic of capacity with a focus on problem solving in groups. The groups use the Explain Everything app to record their findings. These recordings are then viewed to assess the children's progress.
A 4th class teacher shows the different ways he uses the visualiser as part of his maths teaching with 4th class. Pupils present their own work to the class using the visualiser and the teacher records himself completing sums, which can be played on loop.
A school principal outlines how her school uses tablets for literacy and numeracy. She also explains the implementation of ICT in the school starting with teachers who are more comfortable using ICT. Teachers use a variety of apps, both content rich and content free e.g. Explain Everything.
A Senior Infant teacher uses tablets to support oral language and differentiation with a Senior Infant class. The children use Story Creator in Collins Big Cat App to recreate a scene from the story. They then present their work to a partner.
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