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Threads in a Primary School

Video Overview

A school Principal describes how digital resources are used in history lessons through the Scoilnet and Dúchas websites. Pupils actively engage with the history of their locality through the use of ‘Threads’ – a project based website. To find out more log on to


Principal discusses how the school uses Threads to share the school’s research into the local area. The website allows students to share local studies and also conduct research. The school uses ScoilNet, Duchas, books and interviews frequently to conduct research before compiling it into stories for the Threads website.

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Digital Learning Framework

This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):

Teaching & Learning (1. Learner Outcomes)

  • 1.1 Pupils use appropriate digital technologies to foster active, creative and critical engagement in attaining challenging learning outcomes.

Teaching & Learning (2. Learner Experiences)

  • 2.1 Pupils engage purposefully in meaningful learning activities
    Pupils use digital technologies for sourcing, exchanging of information to develop understanding and support basic knowledge creation.

Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.

Leadership & Management, Primary, Collaboration, Digital Storytelling, Online Resources, Scoilnet

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