Using ICT to support content creation in Science
Video Overview
A science teacher explains the ICT resources he uses in his classroom. He uses an application, Aurasma, to integrate AR into his students’ physical work. They create videos and posters insert them into hand written notes by drawing a symbol. They then scan the symbol with their phone to show the resource.
A science teacher explains how he uses ICT in his classroom. Students were learning about Acids and Bases and were conducting an experiment. Students take images of the process and record audio using Adobe Voice. Students then create a video using the collected media. Classes also use PicCollage to create posters of the work they have done. Teacher introduces Aurasma which allows the students to insert AR into their notes. They draw a logo and link it to a piece of content. When they scan the logo with their phone, it shows the content. Teacher uses these videos for assessment – self and peer. Students use their own devices in class as it is important to teach them life skills. The Science Department in the school have a blog where they showcase their students’ work and make videos for the students to revise.
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Video tutorials
The following short tutorials will show you how to use apps featured in the video:
Digital Learning Framework
This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):
Teaching & Learning (4. Teachers Collaborative Practice)
- 4.2 Teachers work together to devise learning opportunities for students across and beyond the curriculum
Teachers participate in professional online communities to help them design learning opportunities for students across and beyond the curriculum.
Teachers use digital technologies to collaborate with appropriate outside agencies and personnel to facilitate meaningful learning experiences for students.
Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.